2020 Daily Painting - Day 1

Happy New Year!
Fairchild Gardens - Miami 

This is the fifth year that I’ve started out the year with a daily painting challenge.  The first year was 30/30, i.e., 30 paintings in 30 days. The following year I did 60/60, then 90/90, and last year I did 100/100! 
This year I’m changing it up a little- I’ll do 60/60 followed by one painting a week for the whole year.  Even though I am already painting throughout the year this goal will push me to (after 60 days of daily painting), focus on one painting for the week with the objective of producing a “good” painting.  My hope is that I will improve compositional, color and ‘values’ skills by doing multiple studies before the final painting.  That’s the 2020 plan!

Thank you for following my posts here and a very happy and healthy new year to you and yours!


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