Trolley Stop at Globe Mills

Day 7.  Pen and Ink Wash done on location.  Once I did the drawing in ink, I switched over to the wash and used only burnt sienna so that I could give it a 'sepia' affect.   I was downtown with the Urban Sketch group, we met to paint around the new park on Harbor Drive, but it was too hot (even at 9am), so I went in search of shade.  I did this from the Trolley station, under the shade of the awning.  Apparently the Globe Mills building was a flour mill at one point, and before the two adjacent condo buildings were constructed, there were two silos next to the building - I think the building stood abandoned for some time.  You know, in my line of business, working in silos is a bad thing!  (A little nerd humor).  
This one sold already so there I've included a link to my online gallery instead of a link to buy this piece. 


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